Kirk Doan's Boy Scout Sales Listings
The following are for sale for the prices indicated, first come-first served. Please e-mail with what you want, and I will check availability and send you a bill. Postage and handling added, Missouri residents add 7.5% sales tax. I will entertain trade offers but only for needs listed on my webpages. I reserve the right to reject any offer to buy or trade. This listing is constantly under construction as I add material and delete sold items. If you get a "404 error" or "See referring Page" message, it is because I haven't completed listing a group of material. You should e-mail me with a list of what you are looking for and I will check my inventory. See "Online Ordering" for details on postage and insurance costs and other details. This list is under construction, so I may not have lists updated.
Please check this space often as it is constantly under construction.
Phone: (816)691-2739(24 hour voicemail): Fax (816)474-4208.
E-Mail: kirkdoan@sbcglobal.netSend snail-mail, packages or anything insured to:
Kirk Doan
1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2800
Kansas City, MO 64106-2150
This page last updated: 4/14/19.
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