The following are B.S.A. Merit Badges which I have for sale for the prices indicated, first come-first served. Please e-mail with what you want, and I will verify availability and send you a bill. Postage and handling added, Missouri residents add 6.6% sales tax. Please see Online Ordering. I will entertain trade offers but only for needs listed on my webpages. See my list of Merit Badges needs. I reserve the right to reject any offer to buy or trade. All badges are in collectible condition, most in grades 4 or 5. Minimum purchase $25.00.
SQUARES: Art $45; Athletics $20; Bird Study $8; Bugling $55; Business $75; Camping $8; Carpentry $10; Civics $10; Conservation $25; Cooking $10; Electricity $12; Firemanship $15; Firemanship (Black Nozzles) $75; First Aid $7; First Aid to Animals $18; Forestry $70; Handicraft $8; Interpreting $85; Leathercraft (Moccasin) $8; Lifesaving $8; Machinery $35; Marksmanship $40; Metalwork $15; Music $35; Pathfinding $35; Personal Heath $15; Physical Development $35; Pioneering $8; Plumbing $35; Poultry Farming (teens) $110; Public Health $15; Reading $18; Reptile Study $40; Safety $8; Salesmanship $135; Scholarship $30; Swimming (teens) $25; Woodcarving $15; Woodwork $8.
WIDE TAN CRIMPS: Athletics $8; Bird Study $12; Bookbinding $12; Camping $12; Carpentry $12; Civics $10; Cooking $8; Firemanship $8; First Aid $6; First Aid to Animals $10; Leathercraft (Moccasin) $12; Life Saving $10; Metal Work $12; Pathfinding $15; Personal Health $8; Physical Development $15; Pioneering $8; Public Health $8; Public Speaking $45;Reading $15; Safety $8; Scholarship $12; Swimming $8; Woodcarving $15; Woodturning $50; Woodwork $10.
NARROW CRIMPED EDGE TANS: Animal Industry $10; Athletics $8; Art $10; Astronomy $20; Automobiling (Wheel) $12; Basketry $10; Bird Study $8; Blacksmithing $65; Bookbinding $10; Bugling $12; Business $20; Camping $6; Carpentry $8; Cement Work $65; Chemistry $10; Civics $8; Conservation $12; Cooking $6; Cotton Farming $50; Dog Care $15; Electricity $8; Farm Home $25; Farm Layout $25; Farm Mechanics $25; Farm Records $15; Firemanship $8; First Aid $6; First Aid to Animals $8; Forestry $12; Gardening (Corn) $45; Grasses & Legumes $50; Handicraft $8; Home Repairs $8; Hiking $12; Horsemanship $15; Landscape Gardening $35; Leathercraft (Moccasin) $10; Lifesaving $6; Machinery $10; Marksmanship $15; Masonry $12; Mechanical Drawing $25; Metal Work $8; Music $10; Painting $10; Pathfinding $10; Personal Health $8; Photography $25; Physical Development $10; Pigeon Raising $20; Pioneering $8; Plumbing $10; Poultry Keeping $15; Printing $15; Public Health $8; Public Speaking $15; Reading $10; Reptile Study $15; Rowing $10; Safety $8; Salesmanship $25; Scholarship $8; Signaling $20; Soil Management $125; Stamp Collecting $18; Surveying $20; Swimming $5; Textiles $20; Weather $15; Woodcarving $8; Woodturning $25; Zoology $25.
SAND TWILLS: Personal Health $15, Plumbing $15, Signaling $50
AIR SCOUT BLUES: Aeronautics $175
KHAKI FOLDED EDGE TWILLS: Agriculture $6; Animal Industry $7; Archery $6; Art $5; Athletics $4; Automobiling (Car) $6; Aviation (Jet) $20; Basketry $4; Bee Keeping (Side View) $35; Beef Production $8; Bookbinding $4; Botany $10; Bugling $6; Business $8; Camping $4; Canoeing $4; Carpentry $4; Cement Work $50; Citizenship in the Community $4; Citizenship in the Home $4; Citizenship in the Nation $4; Citrus Fruit Culture $300; Civics $4; Coin Collecting $6; Cooking $4; Corn Farming $8; Dairying $6; Dog Care $6; Dramatics $12; Electricity $4; Farm Arrangement (Small Bldg.) $15; Farm Home $10; Farm Layout $12; Farm Mechanics $8; Farm Records $8; Fingerprinting $12; Firemanship $4; First Aid $4; First Aid to Animals $6; Fishing $5; Forestry $6; Foundry Practice $175; Fruit Culture (Trimmed but mint) $75; Fruit & Nut $25; Grasses & Legumes $15; Home Repairs $4; Hiking $4; Hog & Pork $15; Horsemanship $8; Insect Life $8; Journalism $10; Landscape Gardening $40; Leatherwork (Moccasin) $5; Lifesaving $4; Machinery $6; Marksmanship $5; Masonry $6; Metalwork $4; Nature $4; Painting $6; Pathfinding $5; Personal Fitness $4; Personal Health $4; Photography (Flash) $10; Physical Development $10; Pigeon Raising $12; Pioneering $4; Plumbing $5; Pottery $12; Poultry Keeping $10; Printing $6; Public Health $4; Public Speaking $6; Railroading $10; Reading $4; Rowing (Full suit) $5; Safety $4; Salesmanship $8; Scholarship $4; Seamanship $25; Sheep Farming $15; Signaling $10; Small Grains $10; Soil & Water $4; Stamp Collecting $5; Surveying $6; Swimming (Full Suit) $5; Swimming (Trunks) $4; Textiles $12; Weather $6; Wood Turning $6; Woodwork $5.
TWILL ROLLED EDGE: All are priced $4.50 each unless otherwise marked: Agriculture; Archery; Art; Astronomy; Athletics; Automobiling (Car); Beef Production; Bird Study; Bookbinding (No Bookmark); Botany; Bugling; Business; Camping; Canoeing; Chemistry; Coin Collecting; Cooking; Cycling; Dairying; Dog Care $5; Drafting; Electricity (Fingers) $95; Electricity (Mitten Hand) $95; Farm Records; Firemanship; Fishing; Forestry; Gardening; Home Repairs; Hiking; Hog Production; Horsemanship; Indian Lore; Insect Life; Journalism; Landscape Gardening; Leathercraft; Leatherwork (Awl); Leatherwork (Moccasin); Lifesaving; Machinery; Masonry; Mechanical Drawing; Metalwork; Music; Painting;Personal Fitness; Pets $10; Pigeon Raising; Pioneering; Plumbing; Poultry Keeping; Printing; Public Health; Public Speaking; Radio; Reading; Reptile Study; Rowing; Salesmanship; Scholarship; Sculpture; Sheep Farming $5; Signaling; Stamp Collecting; Surveying; Swimming; Textiles $5; Wood Carving; Woodwork; Zoology.
GREEN ROLLED EDGE SOLID CLOTH BACK: All are priced at $4.50 each unless otherwise indicated: Agriculture; American Business; Archery; Astronomy; Atomic Energy (W/Nucleus); Beef Production; Bee Keeping; Bird Study; Botany; Bugling; Canoeing; Citizenship in the Community; Citizenship in the Home; Citizenship in the Nation; Coin Collecting (White Letters); Communications; Computers; Cotton Farming; Dairying; Dog Care; Dramatics; Electricity; Electronics; Engineering; Farm Arrangement (Large Bldg.); Farm Records; Fingerprinting; Firemanship; First Aid; First Aid to Animals; Fishing; Forage Crops; Fruit & Nut; Geology; Home Repairs; Hiking; Hog Production; Indian Lore; Insect Life; Journalism (Microphone) $75; Landscaping; Landscape Architecture $10; Leatherwork (Moccasin); Marksmanship; Metallurgy; Model Design & Building; Motorboating; Nature; Oceanography; Personal Finances; Pioneering; Pottery; Poultry Keeping; Printing; Public Health; Public Speaking; Railroading; Reading; Rifle & Shotgun; Rowing; Safety; Scholarship; Sheep Farming; Signaling; Skiing; Small Grains; Soil & Water (Vert.); Space Exploration; Stamp Collecting; Surveying; Textiles; Theater; Water Skiing; Wildlife Management; Wood Carving; Woodwork; World Brotherhood (Globe); World Brotherhood (Hand); Zoology.
SILVER ROLLED EDGE SOLID CLOTH BACK: All are priced at $4.50 unless otherwise indicated: Beekeeping $100; Camping; Citizenship in the Nation; Conservation; Cooking; First Aid; Life Saving; Nature; Personal Fitness; Safety; Swimming.
GREEN ROLLED EDGE SOLID PLASTIC BACK: All are priced $4.00 unless otherwise indicated: Agriculture; American Business; American Cultures; American Heritage; Animal Science; Archery; Architecture; Art; Astronomy; Athletics; Aviation; Backpacking; Basketry; Beef Production; Bee Keeping ($20); Bookbinding; Botany; Bugling; Camping $5; Canoeing; Chemistry; Citizenship in the Community; Citizenship in the Home; Coin Collecting (Black Letters); Computers; Computers (Terminal); Consumer Buying; Cooking; Corn Farming; Cotton Farming; Cycling (Triangle); Dairying; Dentistry; Dog Care; Drafting; Dramatics; Electricity; Electronics; Energy; Engineering; Farm Arrangement; Farm & Ranch Management; Farm Mechanics; Farm Records; Fingerprinting; Firemanship; First Aid to Animals $5; Fish & Wildlife Mgt.; Fishing; Food Systems; Forestry; Gardening; General Science; Genealogy; Geology; Golf; Handicapped Awareness; Home Repairs; Hiking; Hog Production; Horsemanship; Indian Lore; Insect Life; Journalism (Key); Journalism (TV Camera); Landscape Architecture; Law; Lifesaving; Machinery; Mammals; Masonry; Metallurgy; Metalwork; Model Design & Building; Motorboating; Music; Nature; Oceanography; Orienteering; Painting; Personal Finances; Pets; Photography; Pigeon Raising; Pioneering; Plant Science; Plumbing; Pottery; Poultry Keeping; Printing; Public Health; Public Speaking; Pulp & Paper; Rabbit Raising; Radio; Railroading; Reading; Reptile Study; Rifle & Shotgun; Rowing; Salesmanship; Scholarship; Sculpture; Sheep Farming; Signaling; Skating; Skiing (Blue Skis); Small Boat Sailing; Soil & Water (Horiz); Space Exploration; Stamp Collecting; Surveying; Textiles; Theater; Traffic Safety; Truck Transportation; Veterinary Science; Water Skiing; Weather; Wilderness Survival; Wood Carving; Woodwork.
SILVER ROLLED EDGE SOLID PLASTIC BACK: All are priced $3.50 unless otherwise indicated: Camping; Citizenship in the Community; Citizenship in the Nation (B/W/R) $5; Citizenship in the World; Communications $50; Conservation; Emergency Preparedness (Red Cross) $5; Emergency Preparedness (Green Cross); Environmental Science; First Aid; Life Saving; Nature; Personal Fitness; Safety; Sports; Swimming.
OTHER: Whitewater (W/Black Border) $35
See my list of Merit Badges needs.
Phone: (816)691-2739 (24 hour voicemail(O); Fax (816)474-4208..
E-Mail: kirkdoan@sbcglobal.netSend snail-mail, packages or anything insured to:
Kirk Doan
1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2800
Kansas City, MO 64106-2150
This list last updated: 4/14/19.
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