Kirk Doan's 2012 NOAC Contingent Flap Needs and Duplicates; Dupes for Trade for 2012 NOAC Patches

I have the following 2012 NOAC flaps and patches that are marked [X] or [D].  I need all those that are marked [ ].  Patches where I have a deal pending and am awaiting delivery of the patch is marked [P].  I collect everything including chenilles, odd shapes, border color varieties, etc. Those marked with [D] means I have a duplicate for trade. Those designated S/X are two piece sets, and the rest are single flaps or patches.  I would like to trade for other 2012 NOAC patches that I do not have. I will also sell duplicates. Please make offers and e-mail them to me:

I also have available a limited number of the 2012 NOAC Lodge 147 S/X patches; one that looks like the Michigan State Spartan only as a turkey, and the other Contingent Patch that looks like a Turkey in the Matrix with glow in the dark thread, each available for trade for any of my needs.  These are beautiful and are very popular.  I am looking for about any 2012 two part set for the 2012 Lodge 147 set.  

I will trade 2012 NOAC patches marked as "Dupe" for my 2012 NOAC  needs, please make an offer.  Check out my NOAC contingent patches from other years, as I will cross trade for needs between years: 2009, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998, 1996; and will cross trade for Jamboree OA Contingent patches: 2010, 2005, 2001, 1997Please make offers, but I reserve the right to reject any or all offers.

Abbreviation Key: [ ]  or no listing means I need it; [X] means I have it; [D] means I have a duplicate available for trade for NOAC OA contingent patch needs.

Lodge #; Patch Type; Border type; Border Color; Distinctive Markings

[ ] 1 S Tur R/E  On the Road to NOAC (Need)
[X] 2S/X Red C/E Racoon in Suit Vigil (Have)
[X] 3 S GLM R/E  Blk Bkg.  (Have)
[X] 5 S/X Blk C/E Top, Red C/E Bottom Arrowhead (Have)
[X] 5 S/X Red C/E Top, Red C/E Bottom Arrowhead (Have)
[ ] 5 Chenille
[ ] 5 X CSP Shaped
[D] 6 S Grn R/E  Got Brownies? (Dupe)
[X] 6 S Wht R/E  Got Brownies? (Have)
[ ] 6 R Blu R/E  Are You Ready (Need)
[ ] 6 R Red R/E  I Am Ready (Need)
[X] 7 S Blk C/E NOAC 2012 (Have)
[X] 9 S Pur R/E Spartan with spear  (Have)
[ ] 9 S Slm R/E Spartan with spear (Need)
[X] 9 S Pur R/E Spartan with spear (Have)
[X] 11 S/X Red R/E Phoenix Bird (Have)
[X] 11 S/X Red Mylar R/E Phoenix Bird (Have)
[D] 11 S/X BMY R/E Phoenix Bird (Dupe)
[D] 12 S Glm R/E (Dupe)
[X] 13 S/X/X Blu R/E  Fancy Dancer Blue Bkg (Have)
[ ] 13 S/X C/E, Cog (Need)
[ ] 15 S/X Navy R/E Beaver in the Spartan Outfit (Need)
[ ] 15 S/X Brn R/E Beaver in the Spartan Outfit (Need)
[ ] 15 S/X Grn R/E Beaver in the Spartan Outfit (Need)
[ ] 15 S/X Red R/E Beaver in the Spartan Outfit (Need)
[D] 15 S/X Blk R/E Beaver in the Spartan Outfit (Dupe)
[ ] 15 S/X Bronze Mylar R/E Beaver in the Spartan Outfit (Have)
[X] 16 S/X Gry C/E Mirror image Moose One Piece (Have)
[ ] 16 S/X Mar R/E Constellation of Stars (Need)
[X] 16 S/X Tur R/E Delegate (Have)
[X] 17 S/X Yel R/E (Have)
[X] 18 S Blk R/E Thunder Struck (Have)
[X] 20 S/X   United C/E (Have)
[X] 20 S/X   We C/E (Have)
[ ] 20 S/X   C/E  (Need)
[X] 20 S/X  A C/E  (Have)
[ ] 20 S/X   c/E  (Need)
[D] 21 S Red R/E Otter (Dupe)
[X] 21S GLM R/E Otter (Have)
[X] 22 S/X Pnk R/E Angry Geese  (Have)
[X] 23 S/X Blk R/E Maze Yellow Bkg  (Have)
[ ] 23 S/X Blk R/E Maze Red Bkg (Need)
[ ] 23 S/X Blk R/E Maze Blue Bkg (Need)
[X] 24 S/X Grn R/E Subway train and Heron (Need)
[X] 25 S/X Red R/E Eagle  (Have)
[X] 27 S/X Blk C/E Porcupine  (Have)
[ ] 27 S/X Slm C/E Porcupine (Need)
[X] 29 S/X Blu R/E Great Lakes Council (Have)
[X] 29 S/X Grn R/E Bear Set (Have)
[X] 29 S/X GLM R/E Bear Set (Have)
[X] 29 S/X Grn R/E Bear Set (Have)
[X] 29 S/X Grn R/E Bear Set (Have)
[X] 29 X Grn R/E Bear Square Shaped (Have)
[X] 29 X Glm R/E Bear Square  Shaped (Have)
[X] 29 X Gry R/E Bear Square  Shaped (Have)
[X] 29 X Red R/E Bear Square  Shaped (Have)
[X] 30 S/X Blk R/E (Have)
[X] 31 S/X Red R/E (Have)
[ ] 32 S/X Red C/E Puvunga (Need)
[ ] 32 S/X Tur C/E Puvunga (Need)
[X] 33 S Blk R/E Section NE-3B (Have)
[X] 33 S Tan R/E Dark Tan Bkg. (Have)
[X] 35 S/X Blk R/E Snake Blue Background (Need)
[X] 35 S/X Blk R/E Snake Red Background (Have)
[X] 35 X Yel R/E CSP shape (Need)
[X] 35 X Blk C/E Tornado shape (Need)
[X] 35 X Blk C/E Small Skull shape with snake (Have)
[D] 37 S Blk R/E Turkey (Dupe)
[ ] 37 S Yel R/E Turkey (Need)
[D] 38 S/X Gry R/E Eagle (Dupe)
[X] 38 S/X Grn R/E Eagle (Have)
[X] 39 S Blk R/E 6 Owls (Have)
[D] 40 S/X Red R/E Four Principals (Dupe)
[D] 41 S/X Pur R/E Horse Rider (Dupe)
[X] 41 S/X Gray R/E Horse Rider (Have)
[D] 41 S/X Slm R/E Horse Rider (Dupe)
[D] 41 S/X  Blu R/E Horse Rider (Dupe)
[X] 41 X  C/E Black CSP (Have)
[X] 42 S/X Gry R/E Hand signs (Have)
[ ] 42 S/X Gry R/E Hand signs? Delegate (Need)
[D] 44 S/X Blu C/E Peeps (Dupe)
[X] 44 S/X Pur C/E Mike and Ike (Have)
[X] 45 S Tan R/E Lodge Totem (Have)
[X] 45 S Bronze Mylar R/E Lodge Totem (Have)
[X] 47 S/X Blu R/E (Have)
[ ] 47 S/X Grn R/E (Need)
[ ] 47 S/X Blk/Red R/E (Need)
[D] 47 S Blk R/E Flap Only  (Dupe)
[ ] 47 S/X Wht R/E Flap Only  (Need)
[X] 49 S/X Blk R/E Train 49 Bridge (Have)
[X] 49 S/X Blk C/E Train 49 Bridge (Have c/e bottom only)
[ ] 49 S/X Slm R/E Train 49 Bridge (Need)
[X] 49 S/X Blk R/E Train 7 WF (Have)
[ ] 49 S/X Gry R/E Train 7 WF (Need)
[ ] 49 S/X Maroon ghost delegate Train 7 (Need)
[X] 50 S/X Rubber Flintsones (Set of three) (Have)
[D] 51 S Red C/E T-Bird (Dupe)
[X] 51 X Red C/E Eagle Dancer (Have)
[X ] 52 X  Blu R/E M/C CSP (Have)
[D] 52 S/X Wht R/E Titletown (Dupe)
[D] 52 S/X Mar R/E Goofy lobster (Dupe)
[D] 52 S/X Blu R/E Lobster trap (Dupe)
[X] 53 S/X Red C/E (Have)
[X] 55 S/X Blu C/E (Have)
[X] 55 S/X Org C/E (Have)
[X] 56 S Blk R/E Full color  (Dupe)
[X] 56 S Blk R/E Colored United We Leave a Legacy  (Have)
[X] 56 S Blk R/E Colored Wapashuwi  (Dupe)
[X] 56 S Blk R/E Colored Animal (Dupe)
[X] 56 S Blk R/E Colored NOAC 2012 (Dupe)
[X] 56 S Slm R/E Flap Only  (Have)
[D] 57 S/X Red R/E (Dupe)
[X] 57 S/X Blk R/E (Have)
[X] 58 S/X Pur R/E Campfire (Have)
[D] 159 S/X Mar R/E  (Dupe)
[D] 60 S Yel R/E (Dupe)
[X] 61 S/X Blk R/E Bear head (Have)
[D] 62 S/X Bmy R/E (Dupe)
[X] 63 S/X Blk R/E (Have)
[X] 63 S/X Glm R/E (Have)
[ ] 64 S/X/X Blk R/E (Need)
[X] 65 S Red R/E Honey Badger Cares (Have)
[X] 65 S/X/X Grn R/E Green panther (Have, dupe of 2 piece)
[X] 65 S/X Red R/E Black panther (Have, dupe of 2 piece)
[X] 66 S/X Grn C/E Roadrunner Centennial (Have)
[X] 66 S/X Bml C/E Coelopjysis Delegate (Have)
[X] 66 S Wht R/E Centennial 1912-2012 License Plate (Dupe)
[X] 66 S Lgr R/E Founders Day (Have)
[X] 67 S/X Blk MSU 454 miles C/E (Have)
[X] 70 S/X Grn R/E (Have)
[D] 72 S/X Red R/E (Dupe)
[X] 74 S/X/X Blu R/E (Have)
[X] 74 S/X/X Slm R/E (Have)
[X] 74 S/X/X Glm R/E (Have)
[X] 75 S/X Pur R/E (Dupe of top)
[X] 76 S/X Red R/E Hogwarts theme (Have)
[X] 83 S/X Blk R/E (Have)
[D] 85 S/X Blk When the world ends R/E (Dupe)
[X ] 85 S/X Wht R/E Ibis's on rocks (Have)
[X] 86 S/X Blk R/E Temple (Have)
[X] 86 S/X Org C/E Sponsor (Have)
[X] 86 S/X Blk R/E Business Bears (Have)
[ ] 89 S/X Red R/E (Need)
[X] 89 S/X Blu R/E Canoers (Have)
[X] 90 S/X Gry R/E Indian (Have)
[D] 94 S/X Red R/E (Dupe)
[X] 94 S Gry R/E Indian (Have top only)
[X] 95 S/X Grn R/E Indians seated at campfire (Have)
[X] 95 S/X Pur R/E Indians seated at campfire (Have)
[X] 96 S/X Wht R/E Log Pyramid Fire (Have)
[X] 96 S/X Glm R/E Log Pyramid Fire (Have)
[X] 99 S/X Wht R/E Pinecones (Have)
[X] 99 X Blk R/E Pinecone size of 50 Cent Piece (Have)
[X] 100 S/X Red C/E issued with 51 Turtle Dancer (Have)
[X] 100 S/X Red R/E One piece (Have)
[X] 101 S/X/X Blk R/E Flap,  Large owl Pocket Piece and CSP (Have)
[  ] 101 S/X/X Slm R/E Flap,  Pocket Piece and CSP (Need)
[X] 101 S Blk R/E Has white T-Bird at Right Founders Day (Have)
[X] 101 S Wht R/E Has white T-Bird at Right Founders Day (Have)
[X] 101 A C/E Has Owl and Diamond (Have)
[X] 102 S/X Blu R/E 3 Arrow Triangle (Have)
[D] 103 S/X Yel/Grn C/E (Dupe)
[X] 104 S/X Rur R/E Transformer (Have)
[X] 104 X Blk C/E Fold out transformer patch (Have)
[D] 105 S Gmy R/E Turtle (Dupe)
[D] 108 F Red R/E 2012 NOAC and 40th Anniv. (Dupe)
[X] 108 F/X Rmy R/E Delegate (Have)
[X] 110 S/X Org R/E (Have)
[X] 110 S/X Pur R/E (Have)
[D] 110 S/X Wht R/E (Dupe)
[D] 111 S/X Blk R/E Two Guitars (Dupe)
[D] 112 S/X Blu R/E Four indians (Dupe)
[X] 113 S/X Blk R/E Sailboat (Have)
[D] 114 S/X Yel R/E Wolf (Dupe)
[X] 116 S/X Red R/E  (Have)
[X] 117 S Glm R/E (Have)
[X] 117 F Blk R/E (Have)
[X] 117 S/X Slm R/E (Have)
[D] 118 S/X Red R/E (Dupe)
[X] 127 S/X Red R/E  3D Snake Head (Have)
[X] 129 S/X Grn R/E The Dark Hawk Rises (Have)
[X] 132 S/X Blu C/E (Have)
[X] 133 S/X Wht R/E Buffalo in car (Have)
[X] 133 S/X Wht R/E Buffalo in car Delegate (Have)
[X] 133 J Wht C/E Buffalo (Have)
[X] 134 S/X Yel/Red C/E Digital looking (Have)
[X] 134 S/R Tan R/E Act in Unison (Have)
[X] 137 S/X Blk C/E  Poppy Field Bkg (Have)
[D] 138 S/X Blu R/E Rockin Red Bird (Dupe)
[X] 138 X Blu R/E Rockin Red Bird cut out (Have)
[D] 138 S Wht C/E Large Gold Bird (Dupe)
[X] 138 S Grn C/E Large Gold Bird (Have)
[D] 138 S Wht C/E Small Gold Bird (Dupe)
[X] 140 S/X Pur R/E 2 Ducks (Have)
[X] 141 S/X Red R/E (Have)
[X] 145 S Grn R/E, Mask (Have)
[X] 146 S/X Org R/E Phoenix from the Flames (Have)
[D] 147 S/X Blk R/E Spartan Turkey (Dupe)
[D] 147 S/X M/C C/E Martix Turkey (Dupe)
[D] 147 S/X Slm C/E Martix Turkey Rare (Dupe)
[X] 149 S/X Blk C/E Wht Sash (Have)
[X] 151 S/X Wht R/E (Have)
[X] 151 S/X Slm R/E (Have)
[X] 152 S/X Grn R/E Busy scenes w/sombraro (Have)
[X] 152 S/X Blu R/E Busy scenes w/owl (Have)
[X] 152 S/X Tan R/E Busy scenes w/deer (Have)
[D] 155 S/X Blk R/E Moon (Dupe)
[X] 155 S/X Copper Mylar R/E Sun (Have)
[X] 159 S/X Blu R/E BP in Barrel (Have)
[X] 160 S Red R/E Snakehead (Have)
[X] 160 S Grn R/E Snakehead (Have)
[X] 164 S/X Yel C/E Stick Scouts (Have)
[X] 164 S/X Red C/E Stick Scouts (Have)
[X] 164 S/X Red C/E Stick Scouts (Have)
[D] 165 S/X Tan C/E Burley Bird (Dupe)
[X] 166 S/X Yel R/E Arrowhead (Have)
[X] 166 S/X Red R/E Arrowhead (Have)
[X] 166 S/X Blk R/E Arrowhead (Have)
[X] 166 S/X Grn R/E Arrowhead (Have)
[X] 167 S/X Blk R/C/E Possum in the Road (Have)
[X] 167 S/X Pink R/C/E Possum in the Road (Have)
[D] 168 S/X Blk R/E Fish in Jeep (Dupe)
[X] 168 S/X Slm R/E Fish in Jeep (Have)
[X] 171 F/X Red R/E  Gregorian (Have)
[X] 171 S Lbl R/E  Fundraiser (Dupe)
[X] 175 S/X Blu R/E Odd shaped Dangle (Have)
[X] 179 S/X Brn R/E (Have)
[X] 185 S/X Red R/E Chicken Dance (Have)
[X] 185 S/X Grn R/E Chicken Dance (Have)
[X] 188 S/X Gry R/E Gray Mylar Bkg. (Have)
[D] 188 S Blk R/E (Dupe)
[X] 188 S Slm R/E Individually numbered (Have)
[X] 190 S/X/X Blk R/E  (Have)
[X] 191 S/X Blk C/E The Dan Beard Cabin (Have)
[D] 193 F/X Blk R/E, Yel Bkg.  (Dupe)
[D] 193 F/X Blk R/E, Grn Bkg.  (Dupe)
[X] 193 F/X Blk R/E, Blu Bkg.  (Have)
[X] 194 S Yel R/E Awaken the Whale (Have)
[X] 195 S/X Blk R/E Bird (Have)
[D] 196 S Lav R/E  (Dupe)
[X] 196 S Wht C/E Delegate  (Have)
[D] 197 S/X Blk R/E Meteu sitting akimbo (Dupe)
[D] 197 S/X Blk R/E Nutiket walking from Fire (Dupe)
[D] 197 S/X Blk R/E Kitchkinet shooting arrow (Dupe)
[D] 197 S/X Blk R/E Allowat with arms raised (Dupe)
[X] 197 S/X Wht R/E Allowat with arms raised (Have)
[X] 197 S/X Blk R/E Flaming Arrow (Have)
[X] 198 S Yel R/E (Have)
[D] 200 S Grn R/E Founder's Day Flap Goodman (Dupe)
[D] 200 S/X Blu R/E  Fishes (Dupe)
[D] 200 X Blu R/E Dome shaped, fishing boat (Dupe)
[X] 204 S/X Blk R/E, Blu Bkg  (Have)
[X] 204 S/X Blk R/E Pink Bkg, Delegate (Have)
[X] 209 S/X Tan R/E (Have)
[X] 209 S/X Blk R/E Delegate (Have)
[X] 211 X Pur R/E CSP (Have)
[X] 212 S/X Blk R/E 3 Canoers on top, crowd at bottom (Have)
[D] 212 S/X Blk R/E 3 Canoers on Bottom, three at top (Dupe)
[X] 218 S/X Red R/E Water & Wood (Have)
[X] 220 S M/C R/E Polar Bear? (Have)
[X] 221 S Gln R/E (Have)
[X] 224 S/X Blk R/E, Cow  (Have)
[X] 230 F Yel R/E  Google eyes (Have)
[X] 235 S/X Rml R/E  (Have)
[X] 236 S/X Rml R/E Delegate (Have)
[D] 237 S Tan C/E Slider Gator (Dupe)
[D] 237 X Blk C/E Founders Day (Dupe)
[X] 237 S/X Brn C/E Brotherhood of the Caribbean (Have)
[X] 239 S Grn R/E, Founder's Day (Have)
[X] 239 S Red R/E, Contingent (Have)
[X] 239 S/X Red R/E Mayan Pyramid (Have)
[X] 243 S/X Grn R/E Bear (Have)
[X] 243 S/X Blk R/E  Bear (Have)
[X] 245 S/X Blk R/E  (Have)
[X] 246 S/X Blk R/E  (Have)
[X] 246 S/X Red R/E  (Have)
[X] 252 F/X Red R/E Indian attacking cabin (Have)
[X] 253 S Blk R/E Flap only (Have)
[X] 253 S Tur R/E Flap only (Have)
[D] 255 S/X Yel R/E Howling Wolf (Dupe)
[X] 258 S/X Blu R/E Allowat Sakima (Have)
[X] 258 S/X Lbl R/E Allowat Sakima (Have)
[X] 260 S/X Blk R/E Indian poling canoe (Have)
[D] 265 S Tan/Gld Mylar C/E Founder's Day (Dupe)
[X] 265 S Bronze Mylar/Blk C/E Eagle and Mom (Have)
[D] 265 S Silver Mylar/Blk C/E Eagle 100 Years (Dupe)
[X] 265 S Silver Mylar/Gry C/E Eagle giving sign (Have)
[X] 265 S Gold Mylar/Gry C/E Eagle Cstari Painting (Have)
[X] 265 X Silver Mylar/Blk C/E Eagle 100 Years Silver Palm (Have)
[X] 265 X Gold Mylar/Blk C/E Eagle 100 Years Gold Palm (Have)
[X] 266 S Green Ghost (Have)
[X] 266 S Red Ghost (Have)
[X] 266 S Blk Ghost (Have)
[D] 270 S/X Blk C/E Dark Knight Scout 2 Piece (Dupe)
[D] 270 S/X Blk C/E Star wars fighter ship (Dupe)
[X] 270 S/X Blk C/E Gates of Hell (Have)
[X] 270 X Gray C/E Little racecar (Have)
[X] 271 S/X Blu R/E Turtle (Have)
[X] 280 S/X Red R/E Fox strummin (Have)
[X] 282 S Blu R/E (Have)
[X] 288 S/X Blk R/E 3 Buffs in Black (Have)
[X] 292 S/X/X Blk R/E (Have dupe of 2 piece)
[X] 292 S/X/X Glm R/E (Have)
[X] 293 S/X Wht R/E (Have)
[X] 296 S Grn R/E (Have)
[X] 296 S Wht R/E (Have)
[D] 312 S/X Red R/E Fire (Dupe)
[X] 313 S Grn R/E 3 Lodges 427/313/553 (Have)
[D] 313 S/X Red R/E Lion jumping through flaming hoop (Dupe)
[X] 313 S/X Glm R/E Bear on Ball (Have)
[X] 313 S/X Red R/E Man on Elephant (Have)
[D] 317 S/X Wht C/E (Dupe)
[X] 318 S Dk. Grn R/E (Have)
[X] 322 S Wht R/E Ambulance (Have)
[X] 331 S Blk R/E Scrabble (Have)
[X] 337 F Slm R/E Red Twill (Have)
[X] 339 S/X Grn R/E  (Have)
[X] 340 S/X/X Blk C/E Timuquan's epic ride (Have)
[X] 340 J Blk C/E Timuquan's epic ride (Have)
[X] 341 S/X Red R/E 678 Miles to NOAC (Have)
[X] 343 S/X Blk R/E (Have)
[X] 346 S/X Blu mylar R/E Dangle of Feathers Blue Arrowhead (Have)
[X] 346 S/X Red mylar R/E Dangle of Feathers Red Arrowhead (Have)
[X] 349 S/R Grn R/E (Have)
[X] 349 S/R Yel R/E (Have)
[X] 349 S/R Org R/E Org semi-ghost (Have)
[X] 356 S/X Wht C/E  Frontiersman (Have)
[X] 356 S/X Wht C/E  Bear (Have)
[X] 356 S/X Wht C/E  Ram (Have)
[X] 358 S Red R/E (Have)
[D] 364 S/X Blk R/E Kittan (Dupe)
[X] 364 X Blk R/E Kittan Totem on loop (Have)
[X] 364 S Blu R/E Kittan (Have)
[X] 364 S Wht R/E Kittan (Have)
[X] 364 S Red R/E Kittan (Have)
[X] 372 S Red R/E Buffalo in headdress (Have)
[X] 372 S Blk R/E Buffalo head (Have)
[X] 374 S/X Blk R/E, Host Lodge, Arrows in shield (Have)
[X] 374 S/X Red R/E, Host Lodge  (Have)
[X] 374 S/X Blk R/E, Host Lodge, 2 bad guys  (Have)
[D] 374 S Grn R/E Spartan Head (Dupe)
[X] 377 S/X Blk R/E  Irondeer (Have)
[X] 377 S/X Grn R/E  Incredible Buck (Have)
[X] 377 S/X Red R/E  Sippoman (Have)
[X] 378 S/X Set of Six two parts sets (Have)
[D] 383 S/X Silver Myl R/E The Silver Cony (Dupe)
[D] 383 S/X Silver Myl R/E Captain Cony (Dupe)
[D] 383 S/X Gry R/E Super Cony (Dupe)
[D] 383 S/X Gry R/E Wonder Cony (Dupe)
[D] 383 S Blk R/E The Purple Bishop (Dupe)
[D] 385 S/X Blu R/E (Dupe)
[X] 387 S Blk C/E Black bkg. (Have)
[X] 387 S Blk C/E Gry bkg. (Have)
[X] 402 S Grn R/E (Have)
[X] 404 S/X Red R/E Yel Bkg Totems (Have)
[X] 404 S/X Gry R/E Blu Bkg Totems (Have)
[X] 404 S/X Org R/E Grn Bkg Totems (Have)
[D] 404 S/X Blu R/E Org Bkg Totems (Dupe)
[X] 412 S/X Red R/E (Have)
[X] 412 S/X Blu R/E (Have)
[X] 412 S/X Yel R/E (Have)
[X] 412 S/X Grn R/E (Have)
[D] 412 S Blk R/E Grn Bkg. (Dupe)
[X] 422 S/X Red R/E Steerhead Dangle (Have)
[X] 422 S/X Blk R/E Steerhead Dangle (Have)
[X] 424 S Blk R/E (Have)
[X] 428 S/X Blk R/E (Have)
[X] 428 S/X Red mylar R/E (Have)
[X] 428 X Neckerchief Patch (Have)
[D] 429 S Blk R/E The End is Near (Dupe)
[X] 432 S/X Blk R/E Kachina Doll Yel Felt (Have)
[X] 434 S/X Pur R/E (Have)
[X] 449 S/X Red R/E (Have)
[X] 450 S/X Pur R/E Bird only on top (Have)
[X] 450 S/X Blu R/E Fire and Chief on top (Have)
[X] 457 S Wht C/E Wht Bkg. (Have)
[D] 459 S/X Wht R/E (Dupe)
[X] 459 S/X Brn R/E (Have)
[X] 464 S/X Wht R/E Staff (Have)
[D] 464 S/X Blu R/E Delegate (Dupe)
[D] 464 S/X Grn R/E Trader (Dupe)
[X] 466 S Blu R/E Chicks (Have)
[D] 467 S/X Red R/E (Dupe)
[D] 470 S Red R/E Bite Marks (Dupe)
[X] 480 S/X Yel R/E (Have)
[X] 481 S/X Yel C/E (Have)
[X] 486 S/X Blk C/E Clown Blue 486 (Have)
[X] 486 S/X M/C C/E Clown Yel 486 (Have)
[X] 486 S/X M/C C/E Clown Brn 486 (Have)
[X] 486 S/X M/C C/E Clown Wht 486 (Have)
[X] 486 X M/C C/E Set of 4 Clown Dangles (Have)
[X] 488 S/X Blu R/E (Have)
[X] 488 S/X Red R/E (Have)
[X] 491 S/X Blk R/E Trader (Have)
[X] 492 S/X Red R/E (Have)
[D] 494 S/X Grn R/E (Dupe)
[D] 494 S/X Yel R/E (Dupe)
[X] 502 S/X Bronze Mylar R/E (Have)
[X] 502 S Tan C/E NW Design (Have)
[X] 508 S/X M/C C/E (Have)
[X] 520 S/X Grn R/E (Have)
[X] 522 S Red R/E Woven? (Have)
[X] 525 S Blk R/E Campfire (Have)
[X] 531 S/X Red R/E 55th Anniversary (Have)
[X] 533 S/X Tan R/E (Have)
[X] 536 S/X Grn R/E (Have)
[D] 541 S/X Glm R/E 70th (Dupe)
[X] 558 S Wht R/E Next Stop NOAC 2012 (Have)
[X] 559 S Blk R/E Pileated Woodpecker (Have)
[X] 560 S Red R/E Gorilla (Have)
[X] 560 S Red R/E Gorilla with cutouts (Have)
[X] 560 X Red C/E Felt Footprint (Have)
[D] 563 S Blk C/E Choot 'Em Battery (Dupe)
[X] 563 S Slm C/E Choot 'Em (Dupe)
[X] 563 S Rml C/E Choot 'Em (Have)
[D] 564 S Blk R/E Spartan (Dupe)
[D] 564 S Blk R/E Delegate (Dupe)
[X] 564 S Blk R/E Staff (Have)
[X] 566 S/X Blu R/E Shark w/Diamond (Have)
[X] 567 S/X Grn R/E (Have)
[D] 573 S/X Brn R/E (Dupe)
[D] 578 S/X Blu R/E (Dupe)
[X] 617 S Blu R/E  (Have)
[X] 618 S/X Blk R/E (Have)
[X] 619 S Wht R/E Blu Bkg (Have)


[X] S Scout Patch Collectors Netopolis Maachpo  (Have)


Official Pocket Patch
Official Jacket Patch
Official N/C
AIA Staff Green C/E
Health & Safety Staff w/ Vigil Sash
2012 SR-( Scholarship Rectangle

Phone: (816)691-2739(24 hour voicemail).
Fax to Office: (816)474-4208


Send snail-mail to:

Kirk Doan
1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2800
Kansas City, MO 64106-2150

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Updated: 4/14/23.