2011 World Jamboree Participant, IST and Contingent Issues;
Needs & Duplicates - Kirk Doan's Collection.

I have the following 2011 World Jamboree Participant, IST and Contingent issues  marked with an X or a D.  X means I have one of the item, and D means I have a duplicate. I need all other items. Those marked with D means I have a dupe for trade for other WJ needs. I would like to trade for other 2011 World Jamboree Participant, IST and Contingent issues that I do not have.  There were 40,000 participants from over 160 countries.  I need all 2011 World Jamboree patches not listed here with an indication that I have it by an [X].   I will trade about anything (World Jamboree, Scouts on Stamps, OA, CSP, Insignia, etc,) for my needs, so let me know what you have and what you are looking for. Also, please see my list of my other World Jamboree needs by clicking here.

Official Participant Items:

[D] Badge              woven, odd shaped, gray r/e Official Participant's Badge "Simply Scouting"
[D] Badge              woven, odd shaped, light blue r/e Official Visitor's Badge Two Flags at upper left
[D] Badge              woven, 60mm round, light blue r/e Official Souvenir Shop Badge
[X] Badge              woven, odd shaped, no border, Swoosh Badge "Simply Scouting"
[X] Badge              woven, 105mm rectangle, blue r/e "I want to go to the", "Simply Scouting"
[X] Badge              woven, 82mm rectangle, blue r/e "I evaluated the", "Simply Scouting"

[ ]   Scarf                 blue border - Scouts and Guides                         
[ ] Scarf                 red border - Unit Leaders                                        
[X]   Scarf                 green border - 1ST                                                
[ ]   Scarf                 border - Contingent, Regional, National Staff     
[ ]   Scarf                 border JOT Jamboree Organizing Team   

[X]  Id    with holder & lanyard - IST 
_ Handbook         participants (English or French) 
[X] Handbook         Adult/1ST (English or French) Have English

[X] Official folding map

Items available at the World Jamboree

[X]   Badge     Embroidered, rectangle shaped "Be a lighthouse", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, rectangle shaped segment "Be a lighthouse", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, rectangle shaped "Human Rights Game", red c/e 
[X]   Badge     Woven, rectangle "ISGF-AISG", red inner border
[D]   Badge     Embroidered, round "Latter Day Saints" 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, round "Landmines Team, Geneva", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, round "Leave No Trace", silver mylar r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, round "Leave No Trace", silver mylar r/e 
[X]   Badge     Woven, odd shaped "Nordic Activity", lt blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, rectangle "Security", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, dome "Scoutmuseum", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Woven, woggle "Scoutmuseum", blue r/e 
[D]   Badge     Embroidered, odd shaped ; USA Venturing Badge, Geneva", purple c/e 
[D]   Badge     Purple c/e, yellow twill Buddist IST
[X]   Badge     Woven, odd shaped "Faith and Belief, Cathedral Build Team", white r/e 

[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 1
[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 2
[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 3
[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 4
[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 5

Scout Shop Souvenirs 

[X]  Plastic necklace hanger on blue cord, glow in dark

Camp in Camp Patches (Camps where participants went for Camp in Camp activity) 

[D]  Camp Allarp, 100mm round, blue r/e
[X]  Camp Allarp, 50mm round, blue r/e "Campfire Star"
[X]  Aust-Agder Krets 45mm leather with 21 holes "Camp in Camp"
[X]  Gamia Boo, 70mm odd shaped, blue r/e "Ansgars resa"
[D]  Grenland Krets,100mm odd shaped, blue r/e
[D]  Hors Nygard odd shaped, blue r/e
[D]  Camp Svea Rike, 42X62mm rectangle, blue r/e Crown
[D]  Camp Uppland 70mm round, orange r/e
[X]  Simply Viking 2011, 55mm square, black r/e Viking Ship

Miscellaneous Souvenirs 

[X]  Summit Bechtel Reserve, given out at USA Pavillion
[X]  French Food court "Le Paris"
[X]  Cloud patches: Have Unicycle, Candle, Antlers, Sailboat, Music Notes, 4 Sticks, Tents, Stars, Bird;  Need:
[X]  Small 4 part square patch, 4 clouds, TP item, Black r/e

Contingent Items



[X] Badge     turquoise cloth, emb, camp scene, yellow c/e 


[X] Badge     green cloth, emb, eucalyptus leaf, dk green c/e 


[X] Badge     blue, embroidered, cloud, light blue c/e 
[X] Badge     blue and yellow rectangle 110X82mm, woven, yellow r/e 
[X] Badge    Large rectangle, Yellow r/e, Padfinder & Guide, Camp Blidingsholm


[D] Badge     yellow emb, rounded cloud, green c/e 



[D] Badge    blue twill, emb jacket patch, oval shaped, blue r/e 
[D] Badge    blue twill, emb pocket patch, oval shaped 105mm, blue r/e 
[D] Badge    white twill, horizontal rectangle 110X85mm, Building Team, blue r/e 






[D] Badge     blue background, woven, horizontal rectangle 90X60mm, blue r/e 
[X] Badge     blue background, silkscreened, horizontal rectangle 110X65mm, blue r/e 
[X] Badge     blue background, embroidered horizontal rectangle 18X66mm, blue c/e 
[D] Badge     blue background, woven cloud, white c/e, Cobras - Brasilian Collectors 
[X] Badge     white background, embroidered vertical rectangle Rio De Janeiro Contingent, white c/e 
[X] Badge     blue background, woven, horizontal rectangle 82X48mm, folded edge, Albertura Regional 
[X] Badge     purple background, embroidered horizontal rectangle, Falco Peregrino, purple c/e 
[X] Badge     blue background, embroidered 80mm green round, yellow c/e, Centro Cultural Do Movimento Escoteiro
[X] Badge     blue background, rubberized 62mm diamond, G.E. Duque de Caxias
[X] Badge     blue/green background, rubberized cloud, "Parecis"





[X] Badge     "International Service Team" red, emb, CSP shape, red r/e 
[X] Badge     red horizontal rectangle, emb, white r/e, contingent 
[X] Badge     3 Thompson, Manitoba, yellow 78mm round, red r/e 
[X] Badge     2nd International, Calgary, csp shaped, black r/e 


[D] Badge     blue cloth, emb, horizontal rectangle, blue r/e   


[D] Badge         fully emb, cloud, black c/e 
[X] Badge         fully emb, cloud, bright blue c/e 
[X] Badge         fully emb, rectangle, bright turquoise r/e 


[X] Badge     purple, woven, cloud, c/e 


[D] Badge         "IST", embroidered, vertical dome, white c/e
[D] Badge         embroidered, vertical dome, blue c/e


[X] Badge         white feltlike emb, tie shape, red c/e 
[X] Badge         emb, tie shape, gold mylar r/e 



[X] Badge     fully emb, cloud, white c/e 


[X] Badge     blue, woven, cloud, blue r/e 


[X] Badge     yellow felt background, Mickey Mouse, cloud, green c/e 


[D] Badge        woven, rectangle, c/e


EL SALVADOR  [X] Handbook         Adult/1ST (English or French) Have English

[X] Official folding map

Items available at the World Jamboree

[X]   Badge     Embroidered, rectangle shaped "Be a lighthouse", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, rectangle shaped segment "Be a lighthouse", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, rectangle shaped "Human Rights Game", red c/e 
[X]   Badge     Woven, rectangle "ISGF-AISG", red inner border
[D]   Badge     Embroidered, round "Latter Day Saints" 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, round "Landmines Team, Geneva", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, round "Leave No Trace", silver mylar r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, round "Leave No Trace", silver mylar r/e 
[X]   Badge     Woven, odd shaped "Nordic Activity", lt blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, rectangle "Security", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Embroidered, dome "Scoutmuseum", blue r/e 
[X]   Badge     Woven, woggle "Scoutmuseum", blue r/e 
[D]   Badge     Embroidered, odd shaped ; USA Venturing Badge, Geneva", purple c/e 
[D]   Badge     Purple c/e, yellow twill Buddist IST
[X]   Badge     Woven, odd shaped "Faith and Belief, Cathedral Build Team", white r/e 

[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 1
[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 2
[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 3
[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 4
[X] Magazine Hej   Jamb  No. 5

Scout Shop Souvenirs 

[X]  Plastic necklace hanger on blue cord, glow in dark

Camp in Camp Patches (Camps where participants went for Camp in Camp activity) 

[D]  Camp Allarp, 100mm round, blue r/e
[X]  Camp Allarp, 50mm round, blue r/e "Campfire Star"
[X]  Aust-Agder Krets 45mm leather with 21 holes "Camp in Camp"
[X]  Gamia Boo, 70mm odd shaped, blue r/e "Ansgars resa"
[D]  Grenland Krets,100mm odd shaped, blue r/e
[D]  Hors Nygard odd shaped, blue r/e
[D]  Camp Svea Rike, 42X62mm rectangle, blue r/e Crown
[D]  Camp Uppland 70mm round, orange r/e
[X]  Simply Viking 2011, 55mm square, black r/e Viking Ship

Miscellaneous Souvenirs 

[X]  Summit Bechtel Reserve, given out at USA Pavillion
[X]  French Food court "Le Paris"
[X]  Cloud patches: Have Unicycle, Candle, Antlers, Sailboat, Music Notes, 4 Sticks, Tents, Stars, Bird;  Need:
[X]  Small 4 part square patch, 4 clouds, TP item, Black r/e

Contingent Items



[X] Badge     turquoise cloth, emb, camp scene, yellow c/e 


[X] Badge     green cloth, emb, eucalyptus leaf, dk green c/e 


[X] Badge     blue, embroidered, cloud, light blue c/e 
[X] Badge     blue and yellow rectangle 110X82mm, woven, yellow r/e 
[X] Badge  &nb, Italy) 


[X] Badge         Jacket patch, odd shaped, purple r/e 
[X] Badge         embroidered patch, odd shaped, blue r/e 
[X] Badge         embroidered patch, odd shaped, purple r/e 
[X] Badge         embroidered patch, yellow fan shaped, yellow c/e 
[X] Badge         embroidered patch, flap shaped, black r/e, contingent 13 Raven 
[X] Badge         embroidered patch, csp shaped, orange r/e, orange koi 
[X] Badge         embroidered patch, csp shaped, blue r/e, orange koi 
[X] Badge         embroidered patch, 91mm black round, pink r/e, Unit 7 
[X] Badge         woven patch, bottle shaped, blue r/e, Contingent Troop 18 


[X] Badge        emb, six part Karate set  
[X] Badge        Jacket patch, felt background, green c/e   
[X] Badge        Pocket patch, felt background, light blue/turquise c/e   
[X] Badge        Pocket patch, embroidered blue background, "Baekho Scouts", dark blue c/e   


[D] Badge        Oval jacket patch, purple c/e   
[X] Badge        Cloud pocket patch, green c/e, camel, Scouts of Kuwait       
[X] Badge        Round jacket patch, Outline of Kuwait, blue c/e    
[X] Badge        Round jacket patch, Sailboat, blue c/e     
[D] Badge        Round pocket patch, Sailboat, blue c/e     
[X] Badge        Round pocket patch, Sailboat, green c/e   
[X] Badge        Round pocket patch, three building spires, white c/e     
[X] Badge        Oblong dark blue pocket patch, two clouds, white c/e     


[X] Badge         emb, horizontal rectangle, blue r/e


[X] Badge         woven, square, folded edge



[D] Badge         emb, horizontal rectangle, white c/e




[D] Badge         "1ST", woven odd shape, blue r/e 
[D] Badge          woven odd shape, red r/e 
[D] Badge          embroidered square, "Salam Pengakap", blue c/e 
[D] Badge          embroidered light blue cloud, "Penang Malaysia", yellow c/e 



[X] Badge         woven, rectangle shape, blue r/e, temple 
[X] Badge         woven, shield shape, p>

[X] Badge        White twill, embroidered, blue c/e, cloud
[X] Badge        Yellow twill, embroidered, blue c/e, cloud


[X] Badge        White twill, embroidered, red c/e, round


[D] Badge        70mm round, woven, cloud, yellow r/e "Delegation Francaise"
[X] Badge        White twill, embroidered, red c/e, csp shaped




[X] Badge        embroidered odd shape, DPSG, IST Contingent 
[X] Badge        embroidered odd shape, Logistics Team 
[X] Badge        woven cloud, white c/e
[X] Badge        woven black diamond, black r/e, VCP RPS Trupp, Alt-Burgund
[X] Badge        Bavarian Contingent, dark bown c/e, bagel
[X] Badge        woven odd shape, DPSG, Troop 7 Rheinland 
[X] Badge        Patrol Gummibarchebande, white twill round 75mm, black r/e 


[X] Badge        woven cloud, light blue c/e, sunburst "Hellenic Contingent"


[X] Badge        light blue, emb, vertical rectangle, dark blue r/e
[X] Badge        light yellow, emb, vertical rectangle, dark blue r/e



[D] Badge        light blue, emb, vertical rectangle, yellow c/e


[D] Badge      fully emb, 12 odd shaped contingent items, white r/e 
[D] Badge      Gilwell Reunion, white c/e
[X] Badge      Visitor cloud shaped patch


[X] Badge         White twill, brown r/e, square 


[X] Badge        blue, emb, oval, blue r/e


[X] Badge        white and light blue woven, cloud, white c/e
[X] Badge        blue, woven rectangle, 10 clouds, blue r/e 


[X] Badge        red and blue woven, cloud and eagle, 65mm round, maroon r/e


[X] Badge         green, woven, round, tan r/e 
[D] Badge         blue, woven, banana shaped, tan r/e, Trom 
[X] Badge         back, woven, squared, orange r/e Troop 6 Tyrone Cookstown
[X] Badge        Shield shaped, Org r/e, light blue bkg., Chithra Balsthal
[X] Badges       4 Diamonds: Sawal Patrol, Cuilcaugh Patrol, Errigal Patrol, Slieve Donard Patrol


[X] Badge         emb, cloud, blue c/e 
[X] Sticker        printed, cloud


[D] Badge        black, emb, vertical rectangle, blue c/e 
[D] Badge        red and white vertical rectangle, emb, gray r/e, Sudtirol (South Tiroloud, dark blue c/e 


[X] Badge        woven diamond shape, "Followers World Scout Youth Forum", folded edge 
[X] Badge        embroidered dk. bkue vertical cloud, 70x80mm, light blue c/e


[X] Badge         woven odd shape light blue, horizontal rectangle, folded edge  
[X] Badge         embroidered odd shape light blue, horizontal rectangle, dark blue rolled edge  


[X] Badge      Jacket patch, Don Quixote
[D] Badge       "ASDE" Oval shaped, black c/e
[D] Badge       "Spanish Contingent" Oval shaped, white c/e
[D] Badge       "Scouts Valencians" red rectangle shaped, blue c/e, Troop
[D] Badge       "Espana Guadacor" red c/e, 75mm white twill round, Troop



[X] Badge        orange, emb, odd shape, black c/e


[D] Badge         small cloud with three crowns, yellow c/e 
[X] Badge         "1ST", smoke bender, yellow c/e 
[X] Badge         Troop, ship, yellow c/e 


[X] Badge        horizontal rectangle, 107X67mm, emb, black r/e
[X] Sticker       printed, red round
[X] Badge        red twill, black c/e, cow with white cross for eye Troop  11 
[X] Badge        white twill, blue r/e, Schoggeler with keyboard, Troop  15 


[X] Badge         yellow silky jacket patch 
[X] Badges        set of 4 diamonds
[X] Badge         white twill, green c/e, cloud on left 
[X] Badge         white twill, yellow c/e, 4 piece large jacket patch 



[X] Badge        white woven, horizontal rectangle, 110X39mm, folded edge


[X] Badge        jacket patch, emb, rectangle, red c/e   
[X] Badge        pocket patch, emb, rectangle, red c/e   
[X] Badge        pocket patch, emb, cloud, yellow/blue c/e "Turkish Contingent Scouting Volunteers Association"


[X] Badge        pocket patch, light blue woven cloud, standing bird emu, black r/e


[X] Badge    Pocket patch, white cloud, light blue r/e
[X] Badge    Pocket patch, white cloud, red r/e, limited
[X] Badge    Pocket patch, horizontal woven rectangle, 78X29mm
[X] Badge    Pocket patch, horizontal woven square, 75mm, yellow r/e, Culture Festival Day, UK Planning Team
[X] Badge    Pocket patch, yellow cloud, blue c/e, Northern Ireland
[X] Badge    Jacket patch, 4 segments, felt
[D] Badge    Jacket patch, horizontal rblack c/e, Troupa Ixtachual 


[X] Badge        emb, shield, white r/e




[X] Badge   emb, odd shape, m/c c/e, Dutch IST Scouts 
[D] Badge   emb, odd shape, m/c c/e, Dutch contingent
[D] Badge   emb, 100mm round, m/c rope c/e, Dutch Scout Band
[X] Badges  embroidered set of 29 different contingent badges
[D] Badge   emb, cloud odd shape, purple c/e, Dutch contingent, personal patch
[D] Badge   emb, cloud odd shape, yellow c/e, Pitvis goby fish



[X] Badge        black twill, cloud, white c/e



[X] Badge        "1ST", embroidered tab, blue c/e - fits together
[X] Badge        "Seiland", embroidered tab, blue c/e - fits together
[X] Badge        Black c/e, small odd shape


[X] Badge        emb., horizontal blue embroidered rectangle, blue r/e
[X] Badge        emb., horizontal green woven rectangle, red r/e





[X] Badge         silky, red background, white c/e 


[X] Badge        green and blue, woven, half cloud, c/e 



[D] Badge         "Messengers of Peace", emb, 75mm square, black c/e 
[X] Badge         "Messengers of Peace", emb, round, white c/e 
[X] Badge         "Messengers of Peace", woven, 57mm square, green c/e 
[X] Badge         "Messengers of Peace", emb, 86mm tall, odd shaped, green c/e 
[X] Badge         "Messengers of Peace", emb, woggle with 3 holes 


[X] Badge         embroidered jacket patch, green c/e, brown twill cloud
[D] Badge         embroidered pocket patch, green c/e, brown twill cloud
[X] Badge         embroidered pocket patch, green c/e, brown twill rectangle in Serbian


[X] Badge    Dorsett & Sierra Leone Unite, turquise twill, red r/e (see Sierra Leone)


[X] Badge         woven odd shape pink, black c/e 
[X] Badge         woven odd shape red, black c/e 
[X] Badge         woven odd shape yellow, black c/e  
[X] Badge        woven odd shape blue, black c/e 
[X] Badge        embroidered horizontal rectangle, 89x61mm, red c/e
[X] Badge        embroidered vertical rectangle, 89x118mm, tan c/e
[X] Badge        embroidered cloud, steel blue c/e


[X] Badge        woven odd shape light blue clpe, "Ecureuil Avec G.C.B IST"
[X] Badge    International Service Team, dome shaped
[X] Badge    Cloud shaped. Purple r/e, Leuven

I need all 2011 World Jamboree patches not listed here with an indication that I have it by an [X].   I will trade about anything (World Jamboree, Scouts on Stamps, OA, CSP, Insignia, etc,) for my needs, so let me know what you have and what you are looking for. Also, please see my list of my other World Jamboree needs by clicking here.

Kirk H. Doan
Phone: (816)691-2739(O).
Fax to Office: (816)474-4208

E-Mail: kirkdoan@sbcglobal.net

Send snail-mail, packages or anything insured to:

Kirk H. Doan
1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2800
Kansas City, MO 64106-2150.

This list last updated: 4/14/19.