BSA Annual Meeting Collection Needs & Duplicates - Kirk Doan's Collection.

I have the following BSA National Meeting Items, and I need all others. Those marked with (DUPE) means I have a duplicate for trade. I would like to trade for other BSA National Meeting patches and items that I do not have. Please e-mail me at with any trade or purchase offers for my duplicates. 

Council; Border; Comments

I need all BSA National Meetings items not listed here. I will trade about anything (OA, CSP, JSP, Insignia, etc,) for my needs, so let me know what you have and what you are looking for. 

To return to Kirk Doan's Ozark Philatelic's Home Page.

Kirk H. Doan
Phone: (816)691-2739(O) (24 Hour Voicemail).
Fax to Office: (816)474-4208


Send snail-mail, packages or anything insured to:

Kirk H. Doan
1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2800
Kansas City, MO 64106-2150.

This list last updated: 11/1/22.